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Donations Make Ministry Work

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Ministry Information

Mark Dean Ministries/Dean and Dean is about the Love of Jesus for ALL people. Mark and Becki have focused their ministry efforts in areas most people do not want to go to: prisons, homeless camps, crack houses, nursing homes, and everything in between. Why, because “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40 NIV. 

Are You Called

Everyone has a calling upon their lives. Is your calling to one of the areas of ministry such as Mark and Becki are. Would you like to be involved?


Mark and Becki would gladly share ways to be involved in their ministry and help reach others with the Love of Jesus. Maybe you have a passion for one of the areas of ministry that Mark and Becki focus on. However, you do not feel the calling to actually walk into a prison or a homeless camp.


You still can take part by offering financial support to Mark Dean Ministries / Dean and Dean. You may do so by clicking the donate now button below.


You may think I'm not rich what difference would my small donation Make. Actually the ministry surrives on not only the large donations but the faithful monthly small donations that Christ himself blesses and stretches to reach his children

Walking Aid

Donations Make Ministry Work

Elderly Woman

Your donation will help provide Bibles, clothes, and emerengcy supplies to families with an incarcerated loved one, or a displaced elderly person. Provide meals for the elderly, even assist in the cost of getting a homeless person back into being a productive member of society. As well as assist in the expenses and daily cost of doing ministry. 

Donations Make Ministry Work

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